Do I look cozy in this animal print cardigan, or what?

My New Animal Print Cardigan
Friends, I go to the Goodwill Bins (AKA Goodwill Outlet, AKA Bargain Barn, AKA The Bins), on average, once a week. I see what I can find that is good enough to re-sell online. While I’m there I inevitably pick up a few pieces for myself. This particular visit, I found this basically brand new cardigan from Walmart that is the perfect weight for the unseasonably cold winter we are having in Florida. (I have added so many new sweaters this year to my closet. I am going to have to purge some soon to be honest. I’m running out of room on that rack!)

I considered this cardigan at the beginning of the season but decided I had enough similar pieces & didn’t need to buy one at retail (even though the price was completely do-able). But it certainly was nice to come upon it for such a low cost. (Most items I get at the bins work to be $2 or under – they charge by the pound there & the more you buy the less per pound it rings up at. There are drawbacks to shopping this way too though, so don’t be fooled by the price. I’ll do a full post on it soon to fill you all in!)
Regarding Shopping Retail
By the way, I started out 2022 strong by not shopping retail often. I had only a small list of clothing items I had purchased new. I was very proud to share this list at the end of the year with you all. But, by the time 2022 was wrapping up, I had fallen for enough trendy items (mostly from Walmart) that my list of retail purchases grew to the point where my lack of retail shopping wasn’t at all impressive any more, haha. Maybe next year… (We’ll see. I kind of already ruined it with my shopping on my recent trip to Tennessee. I’ll eventually get to posting about all that too…)