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Review: Amazon Kindle

I love my Amazon Kindle & quite honestly, it wasn’t instant. I’m a cautious tech lover. I am not an early adopter. And as a frugal person, I try to purchase devices that do multiple things that I want. So, I started off my digital book journey on my ipad since I wanted to surf the web, read books & magazines, blog, etc… As far as book reading it wasn’t great. There was glare. The navigation felt off. It was just kind of frustrating. So I decided that digital books weren’t for me & went back to reading actual books only. Analog, baby!

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Giving it Another Try

Then I starting dating my now husband. We introduced each other to all sorts of new stuff, of course. He had an original Kindle. I scoffed at first. “I want my books in my hand” I said. Then I gave it a try & really fell in love with it. There is no glare. The navigation is simple – it’s still a bit of an adjustment from a physical book but I’ve become very comfortable with it. I now have over 600 books in the palm of my hand, easy to take with me wherever I go.

[I have accumulated so many very cheaply thanks to BookBub, which is a whole other post.]

So Many Options

His version was the original one. When I bought my own I got the Paperwhite because it’s back lit. I like to read myself to sleep so this works perfectly. You can adjust the lighting based on your preferences so I make it darker when I’m in the dark so it’s not blaring me awake.

Now there are so many Kindle options, I’m sure there is one for you once you decide to take the plunge. Let me know how it goes if you do!

For the pinners:

Amazon Kindle

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